It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a post on here. COVID-19, kids, rental house project, you name it … all kinds of excuses. Basically, it boils down to procrastination due to perfectionism … aka fear.
This is something that has recently been brought to light for me personally and I’ve been doing a lot personal development directly related to it.
The whole perfectionism mindset really surfaces when you start a creative project … like a blog. 😉 Perfectionism isn’t about being detail-oriented. It’s actually very closely related to procrastination. Procrastination is often a symptom of perfectionism. This article is a fantastic write-up on it.
“Because perfectionists fear being unable to complete a task perfectly, they put if off as long as possible. This stems from the fear that not meeting the goal means that there is something bad, wrong, or unworthy inside of them.”

This definitely resonates with me. Things that I am most sensitive about pretty much all boil down to “am I good enough?”. Can anyone else relate? If you do, definitely check out THE BEST BOOK that I’ve been reading and such an awesome podcast that I’ve been listening to. More on that below.
With all that being said, this blog post is me:
- feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
- committing to taking imperfect action.
- taking a step in the right direction.
- getting back into the habit of posting.
As Betsy Ramser Jaime told me, “Done is better than perfect!”
What I’m reading:
Somehow I ordered this book from Amazon in my sleep months ago. I think it was when Evan was still waking up at night. God thing? Probably. This has been one of the best books I’ve ever read and it truly touched some deep places of my heart.
This book is for women who feel that they are just not “good enough”. That can look like any number of things … smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough … you fill in the adjective. Just not good enough. This book is biblically-based and gives you practical ways to stop listening to those lies that steal your confidence. It will “grow your faith and confidence and help you embrace your worth as a woman who is uniquely fashioned and spiritually empowered”. Highly, highly recommend.
What I’m listening to:
I’m also not 100% sure how I stumbled upon this podcast, but W-O-W am I glad that I did! It has really helped me by understanding why I tend to procrastinate and has helped me start shifting my mindset about it.
I’m not necessarily one to listen to podcasts, but I think I might get into it. It’s been wonderful listening to these when I’m driving, out for a walk, getting ready in the mornings. It’s all about what we fill our minds and time with, right?
In closing, I’d love to hear from you. Can you identify with feeling not “good enough”? Do you tend to procrastinate? What are you reading right now? Drop a comment or connect with me over on Instagram. That’s mostly where I hang out daily. 🙂
As always, thanks for being here and reading! Hope y’all are staying safe, healthy, and joyful. Remember to drop a comment and/or follow on Instagram!

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