Last week, I posted my goals for this year and I thought I would share my process of goal setting. This post may start revealing my inner super nerd, but it works and helps you <me> crush your <my> goals! Be sure to read through to get the free printable!
1. Take the time to have a goal planning session.
It doesn’t have to be anything huge, but do set aside some time to brainstorm, think through, and be intentional. My brainstorming session is usually about an hour and then I have several short bursts (like 15 minutes at a time) of mini planning sessions later to modify and finish things up.
2. Start out with the big picture.
I start out with my big picture dreams and where I would like to be/what I would like to be doing in a couple of years. I don’t do the five or ten year thing because that seems so far off. I like to focus on two to five years.
I try to think through the different areas of my life. Career, health/fitness, relationships, family, finances, etc.
Using my goal setting printable, I write down goals, resolutions, and even bucket list items in these six different categories:
- personal (this can include things like health, spirituality, etc)
- financial
- career
- marriage / family / relationships
- travel
- house
3. Prioritize.
Then, I focus on exactly what I would like to do and accomplish for this year and prioritize from there. There are so many things that I would like to do, but it’s important to choose a few and narrow my focus. Quality over quantity!
Using my goal setting printable, I choose my top goals and write those on “My Priorities” list. You can choose one from each category or focus on one particular area.
Whatever you do, just be sure to narrow your focus to a handful of priorities. Keep in mind that once you accomplish these goals, you can always tackle other ones. Keeping it doable helps to build some momentum and confidence!
4. Break it down.
Now that I have my big picture vision and my goals and priorities written down, I have to think…
what will it take to get me there?
What do I need to do each month, week, and day to make this happen? This helps to break up those big goals into digestible, manageable action steps that I can do each month –> week –> day.
For example, one of my goals this year is to complete a photography course.
This year: Complete a photography course.
This month: Finish module one.
This week: Choose a day and set aside 30 minutes to watch three video units.
Today: Actually sit down in front of the computer on Tuesday morning while Alisa is at pre-k and watch those three video units.
A little progress each day adds up to big results! One of my daily affirmations is, “I DO (note the present tense action verb) those little things daily that lead to accomplishing my big goals and dreams.
5. Assign action steps.
This is the life-changing, crucial part! This is where those dreams turn into goals and the goals turn into action steps. Here’s where you eat the elephant one bite at a time!
Very closely related with #4, but this is your road map for how to get there. I break it down and write down exactly what I need to do. I think through what needs to happen to get this done. I’m specific and give it a time frame.
This may take a little extra time, but it’s crucial. This is where I do those mini 15-minute planning sessions to hammer everything out. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a dream!
I compare it with my actual calendar, schedule, and budget. What do we have going on? Spring break? More expenses coming out this month? When will the kids be out of the house so we can paint the kitchen floor? Obviously, we are not going to plan for a mini kitchen makeover in July because we’ll have a newborn.
Take a good look at your schedule, then actually schedule it in the tasks you need to work on for that month.
This step helps you decide how you will prioritize your months / weeks / days. It helps to be purposeful with your time.
6. Start doing!
Enough planning and start doing! It’s easy to get caught up in the planning. You must take action. Remember, step-by-step and little-by-little, those things add up!
7. Check in.
After I physically write down all these things on my printable, I keep that in my personal planner and refer to that each month.
One of the most important things you can do in order to accomplish your big life goals and dreams is to check in monthly, weekly, and daily. Side note – please do allow yourself flexibility because life happens, but stick to your plan and check in to keep a pulse on how you’re doing. Are you taking steps (no matter how big or small) and moving toward that goal?
At the beginning of each month, I look back at my big goals and priorities and make a plan for that month. Then, I break that down into weekly action items, put them on my calendar, and schedule days/times to work on them.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to get my free goal setting printable and take some time to start dreaming and creating your list of goals. I would love to hear what you come up with! I shared my goals for this year and put them out there so we can keep each other accountable!
Goals are just dreams until you have a plan to attack them! Let’s get our priorities in line, be purposeful with our time, and crush those goals!
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